Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Poder Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples

Poder Conjugation in Spanish, Translation, and Examples Poder is a common auxiliary verb that is frequently used as the equivalent of can or to be able to. Its conjugation is highly irregular; it is a stem-changing verb, since the -o- in the stem often changes to -u- or -ue-, and the ending may also change. There are no other verbs that follow the same pattern. This article includes poder conjugations in the indicative mood (present, past, conditional, future), the subjunctive mood (present and past), the imperative mood, and other verb forms. Poder Present Indicative In the present indicative tense, the stem change o to ue occurs in all the conjugations except nosotros and vosotros. Yo puedo Yo puedo hablar dos idiomas. I can speak two languages. Tà º puedes Tà º puedes bailar bien. You can dance well. Usted/à ©l/ella puede Ella puede hacer un excelente trabajo. She can do an excellent job. Nosotros podemos Nosotros podemos correr una maratà ³n. We can run a marathon. Vosotros podà ©is Vosotros podà ©is ir a la fiesta. You can go to the party. Ustedes/ellos/ellas pueden Ellos pueden tocar un instrumento. They can play an instrument. Preterite Indicative There are two forms of the past tense in Spanish: the preterite and the imperfect. The preterite describes completed actions in the past. Some verbs have slightly different meanings when they are conjugated in the preterite versus the imperfect. When using poder in the preterite, it implies that the action was successfully accomplished, while in the imperfect tense it only gives the sense that the subject had the ability to do the action, but it is not clear whether it was accomplished or not. For this reason, poder in the preterite is translated as was able to. Also, notice that the stem changes from o to u for this irregular conjugation of the preterite. Yo pude Yo pude hablar dos idiomas. I was able to speak two languages. Tà º pudiste Tà º pudiste bailar bien. You were able to dance well. Usted/à ©l/ella pudo Ella pudo hacer un excelente trabajo. She was able to do an excellent job. Nosotros pudimos Nosotros pudimos correr una maratà ³n. We were able to run a marathon. Vosotros pudisteis Vosotros pudisteis ir a la fiesta. You were able to go to the party. Ustedes/ellos/ellas pudieron Ellos pudieron tocar un instrumento. They were able to play an instrument. Imperfect Indicative The imperfect tense describes ongoing or repeated actions in the past. Poder in the imperfect tense implies that someone had the ability to do something, but it doesnt say whether they did it or not. Therefore, poder in the imperfect can be translated as could or used to be able to. Yo podà ­a Yo podà ­a hablar dos idiomas. I could speak two languages. Tà º podà ­as Tà º podà ­as bailar bien. You could dance well. Usted/à ©l/ella podà ­a Ella podà ­a hacer un excelente trabajo. She coulddo an excellent job. Nosotros podà ­amos Nosotros podà ­amos correr una maratà ³n. We could run a marathon. Vosotros podà ­ais Vosotros podà ­ais ir a la fiesta. You could go to the party. Ustedes/ellos/ellas podà ­an Ellos podà ­an tocar un instrumento. They could play an instrument. Future Indicative The future tense is usually conjugated by starting with the infinitive form, but notice that poder is irregular, since it uses the stem podr- instead. Yo podrà © Yo podrà © hablar dos idiomas. I will be able to speak two languages. Tà º podrs Tà º podrs bailar bien. You will be able todance well. Usted/à ©l/ella podr Ella podrhacer un excelente trabajo. She will be able todo an excellent job. Nosotros podremos Nosotros podremos correr una maratà ³n. We will be able torun a marathon. Vosotros podrà ©is Vosotros podrà ©is ir a la fiesta. You will be able togo to the party. Ustedes/ellos/ellas podrn Ellos podrn tocar un instrumento. They will be able toplay an instrument. Periphrastic  Future Indicative   Yo voy a poder Yo voya poder hablar dos idiomas. I am going to be able to speak two languages. Tà º vasa poder Tà º vasa poder bailar bien. You aregoing to be able todance well. Usted/à ©l/ella vaa poder Ella vaa poder hacer un excelente trabajo. She isgoing to be able todo an excellent job. Nosotros vamosa poder Nosotros vamosa poder correr una maratà ³n. We aregoing to be able torun a marathon. Vosotros vaisa poder Vosotros vaisa poder ir a la fiesta. You aregoing to be able togo to the party. Ustedes/ellos/ellas vana poder Ellos vana poder tocar un instrumento. They aregoing to be able toplay an instrument. Present Progressive/Gerund Form The progressive tenses use estar with the gerund, pudiendo. Notice that the stem changes from o to u in the gerund. Although the auxiliary verb poder can be used in the progressive form, it is not really used in that way in English, thus the translation might sound a bit awkward. Present Progressive ofPoder est pudiendo Ella est pudiendo hacer un excelente trabajo. She is being able to do an excellent job. Past Participle The perfect tenses are made by using the appropriate form of haber and the past participle, podido. Present Perfect of Poder ha podido Ella ha podido hacer un excelente trabajo. She has been able to do an excellent job. Conditional Indicative Just like the future tense, the conditional tense is usually conjugated by starting with the infinitive form, but in the case of poder the stem is actually podr-. Yo podrà ­a Yo podrà ­a hablar dos idiomas si viviera en otro paà ­s. I would be able to speak two languages if I lived in another country. Tà º podrà ­as Tà º podrà ­as bailar bien si practicaras ms. You would be able todance well if you practiced more. Usted/à ©l/ella podrà ­a Ella podrà ­ahacer un excelente trabajo, pero es muy perezosa. She would be able todo an excellent job, but she is very lazy. Nosotros podrà ­amos Nosotros podrà ­amos correr una maratà ³n si entrenramos suficiente. We would be able torun a marathon if we trained enough. Vosotros podrà ­ais Vosotros podrà ­ais ir a la fiesta si te dieran permiso. You would be able togo to the party if you got permission. Ustedes/ellos/ellas podrà ­an Ellos podrà ­an tocar un instrumento si tomaran clases. They would be able toplay an instrument if they took lessons. Present Subjunctive The present subjunctive has the stem change o to ue in all of the conjugations except nosotros and vosotros, just like in the present indicative tense. Que yo pueda Mam espera que yo pueda hablar dos idiomas. Mom hopes that I can speak two languages. Que tà º puedas El instructor espera que tà º puedas bailar bien. The instructor hopes that you can dance well. Que usted/à ©l/ella pueda El jefe espera que ella pueda hacer un excelente trabajo. The boss hopes that she can do an excellent job. Que nosotros podamos El entrenador espera que nosotros podamos correr una maratà ³n. The trainer hopes that we can run a marathon. Que vosotros podis Patricia espera que vosotros podis ir a la fiesta. Patricia hopes that you can go to the party. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas puedan Su padre espera que ustedes puedan tocar un instrumento. Your father hopes that you can play an instrument. Poder Imperfect Subjunctive There are two options for conjugating the imperfect subjunctive, and both options have the stem change o to u. Option 1 Que yo pudiera Mam esperaba que yo pudiera hablar dos idiomas. Mom hoped that I could speak two languages. Que tà º pudieras El instructor esperaba que tà º pudieras bailar bien. The instructor hoped that you could dance well. Que usted/à ©l/ella pudiera El jefe esperaba que ella pudiera hacer un excelente trabajo. The boss hoped that she could do an excellent job. Que nosotros pudià ©ramos El entrenador esperaba que nosotros pudià ©ramoscorrer una maratà ³n. The trainer hoped that we could run a marathon. Que vosotros pudierais Patricia esperaba que vosotros pudierais ir a la fiesta. Patricia hoped that you could go to the party. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas pudieran Su padre esperaba que ustedes pudieran tocar un instrumento. Your father hoped that you could play an instrument. Option 2 Que yo pudiese Mam esperaba que yo pudiese hablar dos idiomas. Mom hoped that I could speak two languages. Que tà º pudieses El instructor esperaba que tà º pudieses bailar bien. The instructor hoped that you could dance well. Que usted/à ©l/ella pudiese El jefe esperaba que ella pudiese hacer un excelente trabajo. The boss hoped that she could do an excellent job. Que nosotros pudià ©semos El entrenador esperaba que nosotros pudià ©semoscorrer una maratà ³n. The trainer hoped that we could run a marathon. Que vosotros pudieseis Patricia esperaba que vosotros pudieseis ir a la fiesta. Patricia hoped that you could go to the party. Que ustedes/ellos/ellas pudiesen Su padre esperaba que ustedes pudiesen tocar un instrumento. Your father hoped that you could play an instrument. Poder Imperative The imperative mood is used to give orders or commands. It is not common to give someone the command to be able to do something. Therefore, the imperative forms of poder sound awkward, especially in the negative forms. Positive Commands Tà º puede  ¡Puede bailar bien! Be able to dance well! Usted pueda  ¡Pueda hacer un excelente trabajo! Be able to do an excellent job! Nosotros podamos  ¡Podamos correr una maratà ³n! Let's be able to run a marathon! Vosotros poded  ¡Poded ir a la fiesta! Be able to go to the party! Ustedes puedan  ¡Puedan tocar un instrumento! Be able to play an instrument! Negative Commands Tà º no puedas  ¡No puedas bailar bien! Don't be able to dance well! Usted no pueda  ¡No pueda hacer un excelente trabajo! Don't be able to do an excellent job! Nosotros no podamos  ¡No podamos correr una maratà ³n! Let's not be able to run a marathon! Vosotros no podis  ¡No podis ir a la fiesta! Don't be able to go to the party! Ustedes no puedan  ¡No puedan tocar un instrumento! Don't be able to play an instrument!

Friday, November 22, 2019

State-by-State Listing of Vital Records Available Online

State-by-State Listing of Vital Records Available Online Search indexed vital records online or browse actual digitized images of certificates of birth, death and marriage online. This listing directs you to vital records online for the United States, organized by state. The majority of these online vital records can be accessed for free. Those that require a fee to search or view are clearly indicated. Alabama Alabama Death Records, 1908-1974 FreeA free name index to death certificates from the state of Alabama. Extracted information includes (where available) full birth and death date, place of birth and death, parents names, spouses name and occupation. Arizona Arizona Genealogy Birth and Death Certificates, 1844-1964Â  FreeSearch public birth certificates (1855-1933) and public death certificates (1844-1958) from the state of Arizona. This free vital records resource from Arizona Department of Health Services includes PDF images of the actual certificates. Western States Marriage Records Index FreeThis growing database includes names and other information extracted from mostly pre-1900 marriage records in several western states, including quite a few from Arizona. More recent marriage records (as late as 1950s) are also included for several Arizona counties. California Western States Marriage Records Index FreeThis growing database includes names and other information extracted from mostly pre-1900 marriage records in several western states, including California - most notably the counties of Kern, Santa Barbara and Santa Clara. More recent marriage records are also included for several California counties. Colorado Western States Marriage Records Index FreeThis growing database includes names and other information extracted from 19th and 20th century marriage records in several western states, including a little over 5,000 records from Colorado. The majority of the included Colorado records are from Gilpin and Douglas counties. Delaware Delaware State Birth Records, 1861-1908 FreeSearchable name index and images of Delaware birth records, including delayed birth records, free from FamilySearch. Florida Florida Deaths, 1877-1939 FreeFree name index of Florida death records created by Florida Department of Health and Vital Statistics. Extracted information in this database includes (where available) full birth and death date, place of birth and death, parents names, spouses name, occupation, and date and place of burial. Georgia Georgia Death Records, 1914-1927 FreeThe Georgia State Archives has online digitized copies of death certificates issued by the state of Georgia between 1919 and 1927. There are also a number of certificates from 1914-1918, with the bulk dating from 1917 and 1918. Idaho Idaho Death Certificates, 1911-1937 FreeFree name index to death certificates from the state of Idaho includes most information found on the original certificates including (where available) full birth and death date, place of birth and death, parents names, spouses name, occupation, and date and place of burial. From FamilySearch. Western States Marriage Records Index FreeThis growing database includes names and other information extracted from 19th and 20th century marriage records in several western states, including over 180,000 marriage records from the state of Idaho. Illinois Cook County Birth Certificates, 1878-1922 FreeFamilySearch offers indexes and images of certificates of birth as recorded at Cook County, Illinois - including the City of Chicago. Collection still being digitized and placed online and currently includes only years 1878-1915. Cook County Birth Registers, 1871-1915 FreeName index and images of birth registers as recorded at Cook County, Illinois - including the City of Chicago, online at FamilySearch. Collection currently includes years 1871-1879, 1906-June 1907, and July 1908-1915. Cook County Marriage Records, 1871-1920 FreeSearch or browse name index and images of marriage licenses and returns recorded in Cook County, Illinois, including the City of Chicago, online at FamilySearch. Illinois Statewide Marriage Index, 1763-1900 FreeThe Illinois State Archives and the Illinois State Genealogical Society offer this free searchable index online. Available information includes the full name of both parties, date and county of marriage, a nd the Vol. and page number, and/or the license number for the marriage record. Cook County Clerks Office - Birth Certificates, Marriage Licenses and Death Certificates Search is free. Payment required to view digital certificates.The Cook County Clerks Office hosts this pay-per-view Web site to access their birth certificates (75 years or older), marriage licenses (50 years or older) and death certificates (20 years or older). Searches are free. Payment is required to view digital copies of the actual certificates. Covers Cook County and the City of Chicago. Indiana Indiana Marriages, 1911-1959 FreeIndexed in partnership with the Indiana Genealogical Society, this free online name index includes details taken from marriage returns and licenses for the counties of Adams, Blackford, Decatur, Franklin, Henry, Huntington, Owen, Rush, and Sullivan. Kentucky Kentucky Death Certificates and Records, 1852-1953 Paid Ancestry.com subscription requiredThis Ancestry.com collection includes the Kentucky Death Index 1911-2000, plus digitized Kentucky death certificates from 1911-1953. Earlier death records including mortuary records, registers of death and return of death are also available for many counties.Kentucky Birth Index 1911-1999 Paid Ancestry.com subscription requiredAn index to births recorded in the U.S. state of Kentucky between 1911 and 1999, including the following information: name, gender, race, birth date, birthplace, and parents names.Kentucky Marriage Index 1973-1999 FreeAn index to about 2.3 million individuals who were married in Kentucky between 1973 and 1999 from the University of Kentucky. Also included are a Kentucky Death Index 1911-1992 and Kentucky Divorce Index 1973-1993Kentucky Vital Records Project FreeThis free resource includes the statewide Kentucky Death Index, plus approximately 250,000 digitized Kentucky dea th certificates from the twentieth century. Louisiana Louisiana Deaths, 1850-1875; 1894-1954 FreeThis free name index to Louisiana Deaths from FamilySearch includes statewide death records for all parishes for 1911-1954. Earlier death records available only for Jefferson Parish, 1850-1875 and 1905-1921. Maine Maine Marriage Index FreeThe Maine State Archives features this searchable online Marriage Index covering the years 1892 to 1996.Maine Death Index FreeA searchable online Death Index covering the years 1960 to 1996 from the Maine State Archives. Massachusetts Massachusetts Death Records, 1841-1915 FreeA free name index and digitized images of Massachusetts statewide death registers and certificates from FamilySearch.Massachusetts Vital Records, 1841-1910 Requires paid membership to NEHGSA name index and digitized images of Massachusetts statewide birth, death and marriage registers and certificates from the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Not all record images yet online, but those that are not can be ordered from NEHGS for a small fee.Massachusetts Vital Records, 1911-1915 Requires paid membership to NEHGSA name index and digitized images of Massachusetts statewide birth, death and marriage registers and certificates from the New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS). Births currently completed, marriages complete through 1914 and deaths still to be added in the future. Michigan Michigan Death Records, 1897-1920 FreeThe Seeking Michigan collection from the Library of Michigan features nearly 1 million digital images of death certificates online for free searching and viewing. Use the Search Digital Archive box at the top of this page to search this and other Seeking Michigan collections.Michigan Deaths, 1867-1897 FreeA free name index and digitized images of Michigan statewide death registration entries from FamilySearch.Michigan Births, 1867-1902 FreeA free name index and digitized images of Michigan statewide birth registration entries from FamilySearch.Michigan Marriages, 1867-1902 FreeA free name index and digitized images of marriages recorded in the state of Michigan from FamilySearch. Minnesota Minnesota Death Certificates Index FreeThe Minnesota Historical Society has a great online index to Minnesota death records from death cards from 1904 to 1907 and death certificates from 1908 to 2001.Minnesota Birth Certificates Index FreeA free index to Minnesota birth records from 1900-1934, and selected records from pre-1900 from te Minnesota Historical Society.Minnesota Official Marriage System FreeFree searchable index to marriage certificates from 87 participating Minnesota counties. Most marriage records date back to the 1860s, although some counties have them back to the early 1800s. Index links take you to an easy order form for purchasing a copy of the marriage certificate. Missouri Missouri Death Certificates, 1910-1958 FreeThe Missouri State Archives steps up with this free index and digital images to statewide Missouri death certificates from 1910-1958. New Hampshire New Hampshire Birth Records, Early to 1900 FreeFamilySearch has online a free index and digital images of early New Hampshire birth records to 1900. New Mexico New Mexico Death Records, 1889-1945 FreeFamilySearch has online a free name index to death certificates and records of death from the state of New Mexico. Available information (where provided) includes full name, date and place of birth and death, spouse and/or parents names, occupation and date/place of burial. North Carolina North Carolina Deaths, 1906-1930 FreeFamilySearch features a free name index and digital images of death certificates recorded in the state of North Carolina Ohio Ohio Deaths, 1908-1953 FreeA free name index and digital images of Ohio statewide death certificates from FamilySearch. Pennsylvania Philadelphia City Death Certificates, 1803-1915 FreeThis free online collection from FamilySearch includes a variety of digitized death records, depending on the time period: death certificates, returns of death, and even undertaker transit permits.Philadelphia Marriage Indexes, 1885-1951 FreeDigital marriage indexes online at FamilySearch are arranged by the names of brides and grooms with the year of marriage and license number. Fully searchable. Rhode Island Rhode Island Births Christenings, 1600–1914 FreeA partial name index to birth, baptism, and christening records from Rhode Island, compiled from a variety of sources. FamilySearch.org offers coverage details, including how many records are included by location and time period.Rhode Island Deaths Burials, 1802–1950 FreeA partial name index to death and burial records from the state of Rhode Island. Most of the records extracted in this database of 840,000 names include source information. FamilySearch includes information on coverage details in this article, with details on included records by time period and locality.Rhode Island Marriages, 1724–1916 FreeA partial name index to birth, baptism, and christening records from Rhode Island, compiled from a variety of sources. Scroll down in this article on FamilySearch.org for coverage details, including how many records are included by location and time period. South Carolina South Carolina Deaths, 1915–1943FamilySearch hosts this free online collection of digitized S.C. death certificates from the South Carolina Department of Archives and History. Records are arranged by year and alphabetically by locality, and a searchable name index is also available.South Carolina Death Records, 1822–1955 Paid Ancestry.com subscription requiredThis searchable database plus digital images includes statewide death certificates, 1915-1955; Charleston City death records, 1821-1914; Spartanburg City death records, 1895-1897 and 1903-1914; and Union City death records, 1900 and 1913-1914.South Carolina Delayed Births, 1766–1900 Paid Ancestry.com subscription requiredThis partial database of delayed South Carolina birth certificates (includes digitized images) contains approximately 25,000 birth returns for the city of Charleston, South Carolina from the years 1877-1901, and approximately 55,000 delayed applications for birth certificates from throughout the state, covering the years 1766-1900. South Dakota South Dakota Birth Records Over 100 Years Old FreeMore than 225,000 South Dakota births are searchable in this free online database of birth records from the South Dakota Department of Health, including many delayed birth certificates issued for people born before statewide registration began in 1905.South Dakota Death Index, 1905–1955 Paid Ancestry.com subscription requiredThis index to deaths that occurred in South Dakota between 1905 and 1955 contains the death certificate number, name of deceased, county or county code, and date of death. Tennessee Tennessee Death Records, 1914–1955 FreeFamilySearch hosts this free searchable database, plus digitized images, of Tennessee death certificates from the beginning of statewide registration in 1914.Tennessee County Marriages, 1790–1950 FreeSearch and/or browse images of marriage registers, marriage licenses, marriage bonds, and marriage certificates acquired from local Tennessee county courthouses. This growing collection on FamilySearch is not yet complete browse the records to see what is currently available by county. Texas Texas Deaths, 1890–1976 FreeAlmost 9 million digitized records are included in this free collection of Texas statewide death certificates- including delayed certificates, foreign deaths, and probate obituaries- from the Texas Department of State Health Services in Austin, and hosted online by FamilySearch.org.Texas Deaths, 1977–1986 FreeImages of Texas statewide death certificates, including delayed certificates, are available online in this free FamilySearch.org collection, from the Texas Department of State Health Services. For a list of records by dates and localities currently published in this collection, select the browse feature. Utah Utah Death Certificate Index, 1904–1961 FreeThe Utah Division of Archives Records Service hosts free downloadable images of Utah death certificates for the period 1904 to 1960; 1961 is also available as browsable images, but not yet indexed.Salt Lake County Death Records, 1908-1949 FreeA free name index and images for Salt Lake County death records from 1908-1949 from FamilySearch. Also included are a few deaths occurring before 1908 where the remains were re-interred between 1908 and 1949.Utah Death Registers, 1847–1966 Paid Ancestry.com subscription required.This collection of images and index includes deaths that occurred in Utah between 1905 and 1951, Utah death registers for 1898–1905 (the dates vary slightly by county, and Grand County includes records for 1961–1966), and interment records for Salt Lake City, 1848–1933. Vermont Vermont Vital Records, 1760–1954 FreeName index and images (index cards) of town clerk transcriptions of births, marriages and deaths in Vermont through 1954. Indexing is ongoing, and additional records from 1955–2008 will be added to the collection as they are completed.Vermont Death Records, 1909-2008 Paid Ancestry.com subscription requiredName index and images of death certificates and amended death certificates issued in Vermont from 1955–2008. Virginia Death Indexing - Virginia FreeA fully-searchable index to Virginia city and county death registers compiled 1853-1896, part of an on-going project sponsored by the Virginia Genealogical Society. Fifteen cities and counties have been indexed to date.Virginia Births and Christenings, 1853-1917 FreeAlmost 2 million names can be searched in this name index to birth, baptism and christening records from the state of Virginia. Online at FamilySearch.org. Washington Washington State Archives - Birth Records, 1891–1907 FreeThe Washington State Archives has begun to digitize the birth records in their collections and make them available online for free. Available birth records cover the period 1891–1907 (birth records after 1907 are not open to the public) for most counties.Washington State Archives - Death Records, 1891–1907 FreeThe Washington State Archives has begun to digitize the available death records in their collections and put them online for free. Available death records cover the period 1891–1907. Post-1907 death records in Washington are not open to the public for research.Washington State Archives - Marriage Records, 1866-2002 FreeThese online marriage records include indexed, digitized images created by the Washington State Archives in a project to make the entire marriage series available from the beginning of marriage record keeping in 1866. The more current index records (approximately 1995 forward) ar e updated by partner Auditors on a periodic basis and may not include images. West Virginia West Virginia Vital Records Research Project FreeOne of the first states to start making vital records available online, West Virginia hosts indexes and images to birth and death records dating back to about 1853, and marriage records dating back to county formations. Records and time periods available vary by county. Wisconsin Wisconsin Genealogy Index FreeSearch for pre-1907 Vital Records, including birth, death, and marriage records, in this free online database of the Wisconsin Historical Society. Wyoming Wyoming Marriages, 1877-1920 FreeA free name index to approximately 14,000 marriage records from the state of Wyoming online at FamilySearch.org.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Planning for Unknowns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Planning for Unknowns - Essay Example In this case where a major hurricane hit the work site, then it is a good case of unknown â€Å"unknowns† which nobody may have foreseen (or complete uncertainty) and the best way to be able to deal with this type of risk is setting up a contingency budget (Futrell, Shafer, & Shafer, 2002, p. 591). So if this contingency fund is available, then the strategy would be different. A contingency reserve budget will allow for greater flexibility. The plan will be to hire additional workers to beef up the manpower and allow continuously working even at nights so as to make up for the lost time of ten days. This allows for project completion on the original due date but there will be cost overruns because of added manpower but the target date will be met. The reserve budget can pay for the additional workers to accomplish more work output and also pay for extended working time by effectively doubling it by working even at night

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Socrates Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Socrates - Research Paper Example To put it in simple words, Protagoras views the principle of morality as a valuable aspect that facilitates social cooperation. On the other hand, Socrates holds a vision about the principle of morality as a matter of an individuals’ interrelation towards his/her own soul which cannot be taught based on certain defined theories or assumptions contradicting Protagoras’ views that a person learns virtue from his early age recently when he/she starts speaking (Plato 5-25). Thesis Statement This study intends to analyze the arguments made by Socrates questioning the dialogues in Protagoras regarding the teachability of virtue and education humans regarding wisdom. Protagoras’ acclamations with reference to the viewpoints of Socrates will also be analyzed in this study to recognize the role of a rational agent, its justness and also its goodness in teaching wisdom to individuals. Proper justification will also be rendered with concern to the agreeability of the thesis , i.e. Protagoras. Explanation of the Argument The sole concern of Protagoras’ acclamations has been to rationalize that virtue and wisdom of human life can be taught. However, this argument has further been countered by Socrates where he questions the reality concerning the teachability aspects of virtues. ... Conversely, Socrates holds a perception that the diverse aspects of virtue are singular as well as indivisible in nature. As per his beliefs concerning the aspects of courage and wisdom are simply dissimilar names for two similar qualities of good life. Apart from arguing regarding diverse aspects of virtue, the determination of the interrelation between knowledge, doing good and pleasure have also been focused in the rudiments of Socrates’ arguments based on Protagoras’ dialogues. In this connection, Socrates proclaimed that pleasure undividable with the concern of good. This can be further rationalized with reference to Socrates’ acclamation that anything which seems to be painful is regarded as evil. This particular proclamation of Socrates signified that it is not possible knowingly to do what is good which apparently contradicts the views of Protagoras stating that individuals can be taught of doing good. Moreover, the proclamation put forward by Socrates al so represented with reference to the fact that it is quite unfeasible to live delightfully while performing any sort of evil activity which again rationalizes a strong connection within the various aspects of virtue as described by Protagoras. Conversely, Protagoras argued that there are several people who are not able to measure the most prominent doing that would bring pleasure to them. Hence, as a consequence, wrong activities are generally caused by ignorance that is not to be considered as a conflict or disagreement between ethical duties and the aspirations for pleasure within an individual. According to Protagoras’ dialogues, there lay the requirement of a specific art or

Sunday, November 17, 2019

My Psychosocial Stage of Development Essay Example for Free

My Psychosocial Stage of Development Essay My Psychosocial Stage of Development S. Pulliam April, 2011 First I would like to define psychosocial development; this is the development of the personality or the acquisition of social attitude and skill from infancy through maturity. Based on the charting from Erickson’s Psychosocial Stages of Development, I fall into two separate categories based on my age. From the beliefs of Erickson, he believed that the achievements and failures of earlier stages influence later stages, whereas later stages modify and transform earlier ones (Erickson, 1980). The first is Young Adulthood and the second is Middle Adulthood. In the two stages from the chart the information is based on (Young adulthood) Intimacy v/s Isolation and the second one (Middle Adulthood) is based on Generativity v/s Stagnation Work and Parenthood Adults. Although there are two separate stages in the psychosocial stages that I fall under, I feel that I am at the midpoint for each and I have decided to consider both aspects in doing my psychosocial stages of development. To explain how the two stages correlate to my life, I decided in the last year to settle down and get married this is based on my young adulthood information from Erickson’s chart. The reason there is a correlation to my life based on Erickson’s chart under middle adulthood id because my life had children prior to the marriage but I am taking a more active role in being involved with activities and school when it comes to my children. In looking at my current psychosocial stage of development influence on my behavior and relationship, I find that I am a calm, and not hard to get along with even under pressure situations that has occurred with us based on my jealous tendencies and insecure ways because of previous relationship and not being with the father of my children. The influence that I see in young adulthood over my relationship is that there is a need for intimacy but not a major desire to have it on a regular basis. The isolation comes from not being so open and friendly to other males in my life or surrounding because of my relationship with my husband. I have male friends that I am social with but I do not allow the intimacy line to be crossed because of my relationship with my husband. The influence that I see in middle adulthood is the need to have a nurturing relationship with my children and creating a positive change to benefit my children lives. In looking at this I made changes in the way I approached my children and how I would not shelter them from the truth when they would ask me questions but give them true answer to their question. As small children I did not feel the need to give much explanation to my children’s questions but now I try to explain everything to them without being untruthful to them or give them false ideas about what is going on around them. To explain the positive and negative outcomes to psychosocial stages of development, I would have to say that there are many positive and negative but the few that stand out to me the most are. First negative outcome, getting over insecurities I had about the intimacy relationship that I chose to take on after breaking off a 10 year relationship with my children’s father. The second negative outcome was getting over the trust issues I had before going into the current marriage that I am in right now. The third negative outcome was getting pass the change of personality and ways I had to endure going into the marriage and getting use to a new personality and making the changes on both parts to make our marriage work to the best of our ability. Based on this information I feel that the positive outcomes to the psychosocial stages of Erickson were in a good way and I can see the difference in my life and marriage. First positive outcome was that I am able to trust again within my relationship with my husband. The second positive outcome was that I made a strong bond with my children and I have not only been a mother to my children but I am the friend that my children confide in when they have feeling they want to express. The third positive outcome I see is that I am calm and stress free with the way I deal with problem within my relationship and I am able to compromise with my spouse when we do not agree on things. In evaluating how other developmental issues have influenced my personality, I would have to say that during my early childhood life I dealt with a few attachment issues with my mother. I feel that during this stage I did not bond with my mother like most children tend to do when the mother is present because she was pre-occupied with her career as a teacher and coaching. So during this age I was in close relationship with my father and I never felt the true connection with myself and my mother like so many girls or women tend to have with a mother. Most of my time I spent with my father and aunts when I was in my early childhood age so I did not really know that much about my mother other than she coached and taught physical education. I admired what she did so I took on the quest of becoming a physical education teacher as well. In School age time I had to bare a lot of pressure in participating in sports and in my school work because the expectation was so high on me to achieve my education and athletic abilities because of what my mother represented in our community. At the same time I was pressured by other students because they felt that the only reason I made the team was because of my mother not because of my own ability. Once I graduated my goals with education were so different. I felt more of the need to help others in crisis situation so I went back to school to get my degree in mental health and social work and that is still my drive today. So from this experience I feel that I have a very strong personality in spite of the way so many tried to bring me down and I am a true fighter for what I believe in deep within my heart. My personality from what I can see is a driving force of who I am and I refuse to be compared to my mother in my quest to achieve greater feats in my life and the way I live my life. It is okay to be compared to her but I know that I could never be my mother or even like her because my drive and ambition is so different from the way she handles things. References http://www. support4change. com/stages/cycles/Erikson. html Erikson E. , 1980. Identity and the Life Cycle. Norton, New York http://currentnursing. com/nursing_theory/theory_of_psychosocial_development. html

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Contemporary Themes of The Merchant of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays

Contemporary Themes of The Merchant of Venice      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   One of the many elements that make up a classic, is that the book, novel or play can be read in any generation, decade, century or in any part of the globe at any time and have relevance to the reader. The themes of the work should be universal, so that the reader can take something and create a parallel to an event or situation in his or her own life. The Merchant of Venice has elements that make it a classic. The Merchant of Venice has many contemporary themes in it. In this essay I will provide you with examples of themes that still hold true today, many years after Shakespeare wrote this masterpiece. The re-occurring themes of love, anti- Semitism and inter-racial marriages are a few examples of contemporary themes that are manifest in The Merchant of Venice that are still issues that we discuss, worry, and care about today.      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A key theme in the book is love. There are many loving relationships in this play and not all are the type that involves the love that a man has for a woman, or vice versa. Bassanio and Portia, Jessica and Lorenzo and Gratiano and Nerissa are all types of love that involve a man and a woman, which are of course relevant to today's society. When one looks deeply into these relationships, they would see parallels to the ones of today. For instance, the concept that all three marriages will probably not last, is a parallel to the number of divorces that are occurring today. More and more divorces are happening and the increase from other years is shocking! One of the main reasons why this is happening is that more people are getting married too fast and leaving no time to realize that there are not meant for each other. This is the same in two - and possibly three - of the relationships. Gratiano and Nerrissa got married after knowing each other for only several hours and Bassiano and Portia got marri ed before they go to know each other (, but you can't fault Portia for this, for strict policies were ordered onto her). Jessica and Lorenzo's marriage might split for other reasons.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Family run business Wyncraft Essay

As a Family run business Wyncraft produces high quality decorative home wear, ranging from mainly wooden products as well as high quality pottery, decorative metals and table decorations. Wyncraft will produce these quality products by using wood from only sustainable Norwegian Forests to maintain the future of the business and the environment from which the products naturally and originally derive from. Objectives: Staff levels of Wyncraft – Wyncraft operates with different levels including: Technical – the practical job roles involved with production of goods, staff perform tasks set out by manager and supervisors etc. Workforce are usually without authority and controlled by managerial and community level staff. Staff at this level- * Jack in addition to one full-time and one part-time member of staff in the sanding and varnishing department * Fred, Albert (â€Å"Tub†) and JR (John Roberts) are hands on in the cutting department and 8 full-time production staff, * Despatch employees – 3 full time staff and one driver Graham * Part-timers and home workers – assembly assistance * Assistant/secretary Jean Hudson, * Yvonne human resources role, * Harry sales, personnel as well as the books Managerial – the technical level interrelates with the managerial level, which is concerned with the co-ordination and integration of work at the technical level. Generally supervisors/managers, the main role is to outline the specific requirements to the technical level form the community level. Other roles include dealing with customers, clients and suppliers. Staff at this level – * Harry manages and oversees all operations of the company providing him with high responsibility and authority. * Jack manages the sanding/varnishing department * JR oversees the production department Community – the board of directors, this level makes decisions of how the company is to be run by the other interrelated levels. They are responsible for the operation of the organisation as a whole they have authority to provide regulations/requirements in which the rest of the organisation must comply with. In addition this level interrelates with the managerial level to inform of such procedures. Staff at this level – * Harry * Jack * Albert * Fred All the brothers above are the owners/directors of Wyncraft where as Harry has more of a managing director role. Although the brothers are at the community level they do operate in the technical level and most operate in the managerial level too. The three levels community, technical and managerial can be represented in a diagram to show the interdependence and authority levels. The diagram highlights the fact that each level could not survive without the other levels. Wyncraft Memorandum To: Harry Roberts From: Ryan Johnson Date: 5/12/04 Re: The importance of good organisational structure Although there are many factors and constraints, which can affect a company structure there is a need to establish a framework of order and system of command by which the work to be undertaken is accomplished successfully. This implies that attention be given to the design and implementation of the company structure. â€Å"Structure can make or break an organisations† (Mullins 2002 p.536) Organisations are groups of people brought together for a specific purpose, for this to be achieved successfully people need to be organised within the best possible structure. (Mullins 2002) In relation to Wyncraft it is necessary to organise and formalise the company into a structure in order to expand successfully and attract and recruit new staff. Good organisational structure can be a means of dividing responsibilities and tasks equally and fairly amongst executives to ensure a simple, effective and functional process for Wyncraft. At present it would appear that Harry Roberts has a higher responsibility level than his co-owners, it can cause pressure for one person to have the majority share in responsibility. It is not good for the company or Harry to oversee all departments and company functions, the role should be shared to ensure that quality is being produced within Wyncraft. If there were shared roles in high responsibility tasks then this could guarantee service and production are of an acceptable standard for Wyncraft. Furthermore specialist staff within managerial department roles could provide Wyncraft with higher standards and production leaving the executives more time to concentrate on further selling and expansion. Wyncraft Proposed Organisation Chart There are many possible structures for organisations to use when considering producing an organisational chart, function, area, process, product and customer. * Function – most common structure used, involving the company being split up into departments or specialisations. * Area – used by large national or multinational businesses, the concept being that co-ordination is implemented from Head Office to ensure that efforts are not duplicated when different locations carry out similar activities. * Process – this is used when requirements for different skills are needed, for example when product is manufactured it passes through several stages requiring different skills for the stages of the process. * Product – This is used in large organisations or for companies that have wide product ranges. * Customer – this is used when a business has different types of customers who need different and specialised treatment or modified service or products. Most organisations will structure themselves in a way that a variety of structure options are used, different departments could be structured using a different format. In relation to Wyncraft it is appropriate to consider using chart structures that are relevant to its production and process. Although all options should be considered I propose that Process and Function are more practical in terms of Wyncraft. Looking at the above descriptions of structure options Product, customer and area can be ruled out, this is due to the size of the company being relatively small in comparison to large multinational companies and the product range generally quite limited. It is important to remember the main function of the company: production of environmentally friendly quality home wear, which leads on to the need for clear process and function management. Read more:  Family Run Business Proposed Process chart for Wyncraft: How Wyncraft’s product is manufactured requires different departments/functions with different skills etc. The diagram above illustrates the process in which the product is made which highlights the need for a clear functional process. With a sufficient functional chart or structure then the process above can be implemented. Departments such as personnel are necessary to be part of the company but are not necessarily part of the process involved in the production of the product. Therefore although personnel and marketing etc. need to be considered a separate structure chart is not necessary at this stage. Proposed function chart for Wyncraft: Organisation Functions An organisation consists of departments they usually take the following format: * Personnel – the function of Personnel is typically to control recruitment, provide staff training, promote legal and safety requirements and create policies and procedures. In relation to Wyncraft personnel Yvonne manages issues and although she does not work full time for the company she takes a leading role in this department. Harry oversees this department and manages this role if necessary to cover any period of time Yvonne is not present. Being a company that only employs 48 people many of the typical functions of a Personnel department are not carried out. The kind of issues Yvonne would deal with within Wyncraft would be the less formal and personal aspects of Personnel for example staff absence etc. * Production – typically the function of the production department includes manufacturing the product, establishes priority order for consumer demand, works within standards and budgets and maintains flow of production. In relation to Wyncraft the main focus for the company is production, the list above does reflect the function of this department in Wyncraft well. The production department is responsible for cutting; shaping, drilling and preparing all the wood used in the production of their home wear products. They are heavily reliant on machinery and control machinery maintenance and must adhere to safe practice as well as storing and controlling materials. * Sales – typically this department sells the product and continually looks to expand and increase sales for the company. In relation to Wyncraft Harry mostly undertakes this role and concentrates on targeting major department stores and smaller (high quality) independent china/gift stores. Sales for Wyncraft is different to most organisations as selling direct to customers would actually most likely loose custom for the company. Sales for Wyncraft are expanding overseas due to the success of their web page; the main function of this department now is to concentrate on expansion overseas to supplying to the major department stores. * Marketing – generally consists of establishing consumer demand, promotes the product, examines the market and conducts market research. In relation to Wyncraft it seems apparent that there is no actual department for this function. Harry oversees this role and perhaps as part of his sales he also implements some form of marketing, however as Wyncraft is a small company it is realistic that there is no specific marketing department. Strong client relationships with major department stores could provide Harry with enough knowledge on consumer demand and market research etc. * Finance – this department deals with all monetary aspects of the company. Typical roles include, balancing accounts, planning and expenditure, wage and salary administration and account management. In relation to Wyncraft Yvonne is responsible for wages and accounts Harry takes control of the company accounts, all companies no matter what size need to manage their accounts and obviously pay their staff. Wyncraft does not have a specific finance department due to the small size of the company. * Purchasing – this department would generally be in charge of buying in materials required for production. In relation to Wyncraft all wood is bought from sustainable Norwegian Forests and quantities are provided from the production department, the product range for Wyncraft is small and therefore no specific department is required to buy repeat materials. * Research and Development – this department usually provides improvement for production methods and processes through research, identifies new technology and researches new products. In relation to Wyncraft there is no research and development department although progress has been made on the technological aspect with the implementation of the successful web page. Interdependence between these departments can vary between companies in the case of Wyncraft where not many specific departments exist then it could be assumed that the dependence occurs without recognition. The finance department will provide obvious constraints to all departments because without funding they cannot function. The main function of Wyncraft is obviously production and without this the other functions would have no purpose. Sales department is reliant upon production and vice versa because without demand production is pointless and without production sales are not attainable. Relationships within Wyncraft: = Line relationship = Functional relationship = Staff relationship = Lateral relationship Staff can operate with more than one relationship an example of this is Harry who operates in a staff relationship with his secretary, a line relationship with JR and Jack Roberts and also a lateral relationship with many of the other members of staff.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Stuck in Neutral

Rough Draft of Stuck in Neutral Terry Trueman’s Stuck in Neutral is about a boy who has Cerebral Palsy and yet loves his life. Shawn McDaniels has a lot of problems but he remains optimistic. His CP has left him totally disabled; he is unable to walk, talk, eat, or communicate. Although Shawn acknowledges that there is â€Å"Bad News† about his existence, he focuses on the positives in his life. Shawn loves his family deeply and appreciates people. Shawn finds the sensory world of hearing, smell, taste, and inner life, which is filled with his memories and great journeys of his seizures. Shawn is a very loving person. Everyone can see this by how Shawn loves his family and appreciates people. You can see this throughout the book, like Cindy teaching Shawn how to read. Because of Cindy, Shawn now knows how to read, and he now obscene more in the world around him. He loves his father because of what he has done for Shawn. He had Shawn go on a fair ride with him because he felt bad for him, Shawn also appreciates the poem that was made for Shawn and is now a famous poem (pg. 29), and lastly, Shawn has trust in his father because they have double-jointed thumbs and every time he sees Shawn, he would always first pull back his fingers. The reason Shawn’s dad does this is because they have something in common and Shawn loves this special connection (pg. 52). But lastly Paul. Paul because he stood up for Shawn when he was getting attacked by the hoodlums. Shawn says, â€Å"I’ve never seen Paul like this before, he looks like a monster† (pg. 94). These are the reasons why he loves his family the most. Shawn finds the sensory world of hearing, smelling, taste, and touching interesting. Shawn has a very distinct personality. Shawn loves the site of the paintings that he has seen, the feel of the sponge and water on his back when he is taking a bath, the sound a 1966 Ford Mustang and the taste of smoked oysters and chocolate pudding (pg. 84). He has always loved when his father’s arm was around him in the park because he has feared that he may kill him, he feels safe and comfortable in his arms (pg. 98). He also remembers when he was at the science convention that he can remember all the sounds of the music that was playing there. He heard all the songs and could remember them all from the songs, melodies, and symphonies. He has and will always remember the things that he has loved. The personality that sets Shawn apart from everyone else is his inner personality. Shawn loves his inner life of memory and seizures. This is what sets him apart from everyone else. This is because he thinks seizures are miracles. Because it is the only thing that lets him free (pg. 31-32). The joys of his seizures is when he feels like he is free, soaring over Seattle and when he sees the different colors. He feels like that is his only time that he feels normal. He feels normal because he can move like a normal person and feel like a normal person. He would sell his family and his friends just to keep his seizures. He would do anything just to keep his seizures. â€Å"I would even give up my family and friends just to keep my seizures†, Shawn. In the book, Shawn faces a lot of obstacles in his life. But then he had some good times, like his love for his family, his sensory world of hearing, smell, taste, and touch, and his love for his inner life of memory and seizures. He doesn’t care that he has CP, he just want to live his life to the fullest. Everyone can learn from this because now we can say that we are lucky to have a normal life and we can be grateful to not have problems with our body

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Naturalism in Stephen Crane’s “A God in Wrath” Essay Essays

Naturalism in Stephen Crane’s â€Å"A God in Wrath† Essay Essays Naturalism in Stephen Crane’s â€Å"A God in Wrath† Essay Paper Naturalism in Stephen Crane’s â€Å"A God in Wrath† Essay Paper The 1880s to the 1940s Markss a period in American Literature known as Realism and Naturalism. This was the clip when most literary plants reflected the thoughts of pessimism and determinism. and where events and even God oppose human free will or stay apathetic to human desires. One writer and poet of this epoch was Stephen Crane. Crane published â€Å"A God in Wrath† in 1905 in a aggregation of verse forms called The Black Rider and Other Lines. The verse form. which is about a God tormenting a adult male. reflects the repeating subject of naturalism with cases of pessimism. determinism. and withdrawal. Naturalism in â€Å"A God in Wrath† Pessimism. Pessimism. or the apparent inevitableness of the happening of negative events. fills every line of the â€Å"A God in Wrath. † In the verse form. the really fact that a God is penalizing the adult male is possibly the greatest indicant of pessimism sing that no adult male can of all time be greater than a God. Therefore. no adult male can of all time get away a god’s wrath and so a adult male who is enduring from it will certainly endure till the terminal. Indeed nil can be more pessimistic than that. One peculiar line. â€Å"He cuffed him loudly† ( Crane ) . indicates that the adult male is bound and has no opportunity of flight of all time. Furthermore. one should take note that these turnups are put by a God and hence impossible to acquire rid of. Besides. the turnups are in the signifier of â€Å"thunderous blows that rang and rolled over the earth† ( Crane ) . This means that these are non merely simple bonds that merely necessitate a key to take but that they are every bit complicated as they are hard to detach. Possibly one more indicant of pessimism in the verse form is the presence of a crowd of people who are non shown to assist the adult male. or are portrayed as helpless animals that do nil but observe and add to the man’s hurt by stating â€Å"Ah. what a wicked adult male! † ( Crane ) . The adult male in â€Å"A God in Wrath† is already in deep agony when â€Å"All people came running† ( Crane ) . However. although he â€Å"screamed and struggled† ( Crane ) . the crowd. alternatively of assisting him. reprobate him more by naming him wicked. In existent life. one can see people who non merely ignore those who ask for their aid but even see them as immorality. Such is the image of the society that Crane may hold wanted to demo through the component of pessimism in the verse form. Determinism. Determinism in â€Å"A God in Wrath† centres around the thought that the adult male has no pick but to accept the wrath of God and finally his ain destiny. The whole verse form is a testament to the absence of free will every bit indicated in the man’s useless battle to get away. Man’s free will is figuratively strangled when the God â€Å"cuffed him loudly† ( Crane ) and that although he â€Å"screamed and struggled† ( Crane ) . which means that he wants to asseverate himself and his free will. no aid arrives and there is no flight. Possibly the man’s last opportunity of flight is the people who â€Å"came running† ( Crane ) . and possibly he smiles at the fact that all of them seem to come to his assistance. Unfortunately. it seems that he is predestined to endure and possibly even dice of his agony when he finds out subsequently on that the people who come running really do nil but say â€Å"Ah. what a wicked adult male! † ( Crane ) . Crane here shows that no sum of shrieks and battles from the adult male. or every adult male in general. can alter the class of nature. the will of a God. or man’s fate to endure. Detachment. The stone-cold objectiveness in Stephen Crane’s tone is felt in the verse form in his usage of such unidentified characters as a God. a adult male. and all people. The absence of a capital â€Å"g† in â€Å"god. † except possibly in the rubric. clearly indicates that this God is non needfully the Christian God but possibly any signifier of divinity considered to be a symbol of cruel and cold absolutism. It can even be faith itself which is shown here that makes adult male suffer. One can besides see that in the verse form. the adult male is nameless. which means that it can stand for any human being peculiarly those who seem to be sing a hopeless battle. Last. the phrase â€Å"all people† ( Crane ) may stand for everyone else in the universe of the adult male who suffers. Besides. the fact that all of them â€Å"came running† ( Crane ) tells us that they are united in their action. and that when they all together â€Å"cried. Ah. what a wicked adult male! † ( Crane ) . one can see that people in general are wicked and frequently show their ridicule and inhuman treatment in unison. On the whole. the component of withdrawal in Crane’s â€Å"A God in Wrath† tells us that the state of affairs portrayed in the verse form and its painful events are non sole to the characters in it but besides to every agony human being. Decision Stephen Crane’s â€Å"A God in Wrath† is a verse form that portrays the elements of the epoch of Literary Realism and Naturalism. which include pessimism. determinism and withdrawal. Pessimism is reflected by man’s apparently ageless battle with a God that is impossible to suppress and with people who are viciously apathetic to his agony. Determinism is present in the lines that show that his destiny seems inevitable and that no sum of battle and will to last may look plenty to liberate the adult male in the verse form from his agony. Finally. a sense of withdrawal is expressed by the fact that the characters in the verse form are nameless. Hence. this makes the peculiar literary work a mirror of what really goes on in the life of every human being who suffers and how much hurting he has to bear with the wrath of a barbarous God and the inactivity of his apathetic chap worlds. Crane. Stephen. 2010. â€Å"A God in Wrath. † Stephen Maria Crane. Poemhunter. com. May 24. 2010. lt ; hypertext transfer protocol: //www. poemhunter. com/poem/a-god-in-wrath-2/ gt ; Crane. Stephen. â€Å"A God in Wrath. † Withered Arm and Other Stories. Ed. George Bess. New Jersey: Viking Penguin. 1999. Print.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Ways to Translate When Something Happened in Spanish

Ways to Translate When Something Happened in Spanish The usual way of saying in Spanish that something happened some period of time ago is to use the verb hace, which is  a form of hacer, to make, followed by the period of time. Using Hace to Express Time That Has Passed To express a period of time ago, a phrase using hace can come at the beginning of the sentence or can follow the verb. The main verb of the sentence is most commonly used in the preterite, or the simple past tense, although other tenses are possible. The literal translation of hace  can be understood to mean ago, it has been or it was. Spanish Sentence English Sentence Hace cinco aos nuestra escuela fue acreditada. Five years ago, our school was accredited. Es algo que aprend hace poco tiempo. It is something I learned a short time ago. La historia de la ciudad comenz hace mucho tiempo. The story of the city began a long time ago. Hace tres aos yo estaba preparado para salir de casa. Three years ago, I was prepared to leave home. Hace muchos aos un hombre anciano me dijo una historia que su madre le haba dicho. Many years ago, an old man told me a story that his mother had told him. Es la editora del programa, desde su primera emisin hace cuatro aos. She is the editor of the program, since its first broadcast four years ago. Por qu hace un momento me criticabas? Why were you criticizing me a little while ago? Using Hace  as Part of a Prepositional Phrase Similar to English, an expression of time can be used as part of a prepositional phrase immediately following a preposition. Spanish Sentence English Sentence El dlar cae a niveles de hace cinco aos. The dollar is falling to levels of five years ago. Hasta hace un momento estudiaban. They were studying until a moment ago. Using Hace  to Express the Ongoing Passage of Time If the main verb in a sentence using an hace tiempo phrase is in the present tense, it means that the action began the stated time ago and is continuing. Spanish Sentence English Sentence Hace 20 aos que negociamos con Brasil. We have been trading with Brazil for 20 years. Hace dos aos que tenemos este programa. We have had this program for two years. Hace diez aos que no voy a Guatemala. It has been 10 years since I went to Guatemala. Hacer  and the Interruption of Time Hacer can be used to talk about  actions in the past that were interrupted. These expressions are useful for talking about something that had been going on when something else happened. In this case, use hacà ­a as the verb form of hacer  and use the active verb in the imperfect past tense. Spanish Sentence English Sentence Haca dos semanas que lea el libro cuando lo perd. I had been reading the book for two weeks when I lost it. Haca un ao que estudiaba espaol cuando viaj a Colombia. I had been studying Spanish for one year when I traveled to Colombia. Dorma haca ocho horas cuando son el reloj. I had been sleeping for eight hours when the alarm went off. Jugbamos con el perro desde haca 15 minutos cuando empez a llover. We had been playing with the dog for 15 minutes when it began to rain.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Business Strategy in Corporate Giftware industry (PEST Analysis) Essay

Business Strategy in Corporate Giftware industry (PEST Analysis) - Essay Example Corporate giftware is an industry, which caters to almost all the industries across the board, in varying degrees. Sponsoring sports and other events, organizing hospitality events also form part of the corporate gift industry. The profitability of any industry, in general, depends upon five environmental factors enlisted by Porter as: ï‚ § Buyers'/Consumers' power: This is the power of industry’s buyers to secure discounts or negotiate added value to products. The consumer profile of Corporate gifts presents a two-dimensional picture. Personalized Corporate gifts are procured by different companies like Intel, Microsoft, Tesco, Asda, Starbucks, Pepsi, Virgin Airways etc. from the companies which are in the business of personalizing the promotional merchandise. This merchandise is then given away to the corporate clients, general customers, students, sales agents, company executives etc or on occasions like employee appreciation, retirement or special recognition etc. Therefore the actual buying power lies in the hands of companies which get such merchandise prepared with their logos/ messages. But to a certain extent, the ‘power’ is also exercised by the stakeholders, who are the end point receivers of such gifts. The power depends on buyer concentration, information and switching costs. The desires and tastes of stakeholder also keep on changing with times and they expect their companies to give away items which are in tune with the times.